Things we use on the farm.
Wall or WIre Cage Mountable Rent A Coop cups.
These cups are the most durable that we have found. You can mount them on cage wire or with a screw.
This float valve comes eith everything you need to hook up a hosepipe to a 5 gallon pail to automate the water for your animals.
Great Plucker To Use on The Farm
This is the first plucker that we got to use on the farm and it will work with anything from American Bresse to Burbon Red Turkeys.
CT180 SH - Egg Incubator - Setter & Hatcher
The CT series is one of the best incubators on the market, it is really a set and forget incubator. You can set the humidity levels and it will automatically maintain them. As long as you keep water in the tank and keep it clean then you will have the best hatch rates availiable.
HB-500h This Is The Best Hatcher!
The Hatching Time Product is really the best most reliable out there. You can set the humidity levels and it will automatically maintain them.
More Stuff from the farm!
No Peck Poultry Cups, these are durable and will last a long time!
Niche Poultry Feeding and Management
This book by my good friend Jeff Mattocks is truly an inspiration to people wanting to take good care of their poultry and make sure they are fed and managed right!
Rent A Coop Complete Watering System
This system is really neat and includes all the stuff except the pipe needed and you DO NOT use any glue so it is totally scailable and portable. You can use the container that comes with it or a 5 gallon pail!
The Hatching Time 9.5 Brooders are great!
The Hatching Time 9.5” brooders are great for chicks, they have the feed and water system all integrated and a wonderful heater system too. There is also a cage to keep the chicks from escaping out. I have several stacks of these and use them a lot. They can hold a lot of chicks and can be pushed up to the wall you only need to access the top for water and the front of them for food.
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The Hatching Time Quail Breeding Cages
The Hatching Time Quail Breeding cages are great solution because they integrate everything together. Get the Jumbo flooring and you will not have any issues with poo sticking. It all goes to the trays and the sections can be kept together or removed to make a larger communal type breeding area for the birds.